Word Eternity Ministry International is a Christian Organisation founded by Edward Ikeomu in Bamenda, North West Region, Cameroon.
Word Eternity ministry International (Ministere International De La Parole Eternelle) is a registered Non-Profit organisation based in Lagos State, Nigeria. The organisation is also registered in South Africa and Canada under the name of Word Eternity Ministries International.
It is a church based, non-chauvinistic and missions oriented organisation.
The organisation in collaboration with Local Churches, Independent Ministries and other Christian Organisations and Associations engages in mobilising, training and sending men and women into the Harvest Fields of the least and un-reached people groups in rural and urban areas in Africa. It’s main focus is to envangelise, disciple and equip Christians for the work of the ministry.
The Church arm is “WordHouse”, the Missions arm is “AfriMissions Renaissance and the Leadership Development arm is “Audacious Generation”.
Est. 2004
Our Vision is to take the Emerging Generation into their Promised Life in Christ Jesus just as Joshua took the New Generation of the children of Israel into their Promised Land (Canaan).
We strive to accomplish this through Soul Winning, Practical Bible Teachings, Church Planting, Missions, Self-Empowerment Programmes, Christian Education and Training.
We believe that people are the greatest asset of the kingdom of God and our organisation – that attracting, developing, encouraging and releasing people into their various fields of interest, expertise, and callings will be our greatest achievement.
We aspire to be a global movement that reflects and reveals the kingdom of God; serving the communities and neighbourhoods with our talents and resources.
We value and aspire to raise a community of people with a culture that reflects mutual respect, servant-leadership, modesty, accountability, excellence and honesty.
We aspire to build a community of believers unashamedly committed to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, fervent in prayer, tenacious in soul winning, goal oriented and purposeful in life.
We intend to create a culture of learning, research, creativity, spiritual fervency, hard work and deep thinking among our people.
Pursuing fruitful relationships and encouraging unity in diversity will be our focus.
We intend to build a community where racism, tribalism and chauvinism are not permitted; where everyone is free to maximise his/her potential to the fullest.
We aspire to build a community of believers, who are mission minded, passionate in worship, dynamic in expressing God’s Love, addicted to God’s Word and Kingdom Principles.
• Planting indigenous, autonomous and healthy local churches that send their own people out to reach others.
• Establishing a standard school of mission and ministry.
• Publication and distribution of Christian literature, Books, Tracts and other Christian materials.
• Using electronic and social media for the propagation of the gospel.
• Organising productive and impacting meetings such as seminars, conventions, retreats, camp meetings, conferences and campaigns.
• Establishing a standard Christian library, Resource and Research centre.
• Establishing an international prayer network.
• Establishing a standard discipleship programme.
• Talent Shows, Exhibitions, Sports and Community Services.
• Establishing Agri-evangelism groups in rural areas.
• Alleviating poverty through skills development.
• Educating and creating awareness on Tropical diseases, HIV/AIDS, Gender violence, Sexual and substance abuse.
We believe in one God eternally in three persons: Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.
We believe in the Deity of Christ.
We believe in the personality of the Holy Spirit.
We believe in the immortality of the Soul.
We believe in the virgin birth of Jesus Christ.
We believe in the baptism by immersion.
We believe in the baptism and the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
We believe that the Bible is an infallible Holy Word of God.
We believe in the existence of Heaven and Hell as literal places.
We believe in the resurrection of Christ bodily, the resurrection of the dead, and the coming of Jesus Christ.
We believe that salvation is by Grace through Faith and not by Works.
One night in 1993, in a vision, the servant of God, Edward Ikeomu, saw himself entering a not yet completed single storey building. As he was entering, a voice said to him, “This is the person”. He looked and saw a table covered with a dazzling white piece of cloth and across from edge to edge with a yellow piece of cloth. Behind the table was an old man with white beards standing, full of glory.
In the room were two young men who were kneeling down, facing the wall and backing the old man with their hands stretched out backwards. That same voice commanded him to go and kneel with them and he obeyed. The young man kneeling at his right side asked the old man behind the table if he was the God of Abraham, to which the old man replied “Yes”.
Afterwards, He turned and said to Edward, “I will use you as I used my servant Joshua”.
In 1995, while he and a friend were contemplating deeply about their Bible College Practical Training, his mouth mysteriously, as if someone were speaking through him uttered, “My son, I am going to Cameroon with you”. That same year, he left for Cameroon for his Bible School Practical Training in Yaoundé- Cameroon.
However, on the 18th June 1999, after much prayer and deep thought, God clearly impressed on his heart that He was going to send him to the nations of Africa for the preaching of the gospel.
On Thursday, 22nd July 1999, this encounter was divinely confirmed with Deuteronomy 7:1, which says, “When the Lord thy God shall bring thee into the land whither thou goest to possess it, and hath cast out many nations before thee ………. nations greater and mightier than thou”. It was like scales falling off from his eyes.
Furthermore on Wednesday, 17th September 2003, at about 4:am in the morning, God revealed to Him in a striking vision the judgment about to be unleashed on the earth. The vision, that same morning was divinely confirmed with the last phrase of Hebrews 6:2 which says, “And of Eternal Judgment.” This vision became the inspiration behind the name of the ministry; and has motivated Edward to preach and teach the love of Jesus Christ; warning people about the impending danger of denying the love of God seen in His son, Jesus Christ.
Moreover on Friday, 5th March 2004, Edward left with his family for Cameroon and in December of the same year, he founded Word Eternity Ministry International in Bamenda, the capital city of North West Region of Cameroon. He planted Churches in Bamenda and served as a pioneer missionary for 5 years before moving to Johannesburg, South Africa. Edward arrived in Johannesburg on the 29th of December, 2009 and in 2010, he pioneered another church planting.
In September 2015, AfriMission Renaissance was founded by him with the goal of reawakening interest for missions in Africa. The organisation is actively planting indigenous, autonomous and healthy local churches that send their own people out to reach others.
The ministry also supports indigenous missionaries, pastors and evangelists in spreading the gospel through Church planting, discipleship, leadership conference, literature distribution and gospel campaign in the nations of Africa and the world at large.
Nnaife Edward Ikeomu is the Founder/ President of Word Eternity Ministry International and the Senior Pastor of WordHouse, the Church arm of the organisation. He is the International director of AfriMission Renaissance, the indigenous mission initiative of the ministry.
On Saturday 23rd February 1993, he gave his life to Jesus Christ in a dramatic way. In October of the same year, after undergoing a short ministerial course in a Christian organisation where he became a Christian; God spoke to him clearly that he would be posted to Enugu, Nigeria, a city 105 km from Onitsha where he was trained. Two days after, he received a letter showing he was posted to Enugu. He never had a prior knowledge of where he was going to be posted, except what God told him.
Edward was trained for ministry at Christian Love Training Center, Enugu, which was founded by an American veteran missionary, Rev. Mrs. Diana Reid. He received a Diploma in ministerial training after an intensive 2 year course. He also holds a national Diploma in Mass Communication from the Institute of Management and Technology, a reputable institute of learning in Enugu, Nigeria.
He served in Rock Family Church, Enugu, Nigeria as a Personal Assistant to the head pastor (Bishop Obi Onubogu), also as the youth and branch pastor for 5 years and 6 months before moving to Cameroon for missions. Edward moved to Cameroon with his family in 2004 where he planted several indigenous Churches, and in 2009, he relocated to Johannesburg, South Africa.
He is a member of the Association of Christian Counsellors in South Africa, Southern African Association for Pastoral Work and International Christian Coaches Association.
He is a missionary, a pastor, a dynamic preacher and teacher, Life and Leadership coach, social activist, and the author of several Christian books. He is the facilitator of Audacious Generation and the presenter of the daily video devotional “The Sower”.
He presently resides in Lagos, Nigeria with his wife and they are blessed with four children.